
Digit 7-Segment Display

4-Digit 7-Segment Display

Here we're going to document the HS5461AS 4 x 7-Segment display.
It is a 5.4" 7-segment display ("54"). "61" indicates the display type - there are many different types, like 41/42, 51/52, 55/56, 61/62, etc - google for more. "B" is common anode ("A" is common cathode). "S" I think is with the dots. "H" is with two dots, for hourly display.
The hardware looks like this:
The built project


There are a lot of pins involved here, 12 in total.
7 Segment DisplayDescriptionArduino (Digital)
1Segment E7
2Segment D8
3Decimal point9
4Segment C10
5Segment G11
6Digit 412
7Segment B13
8Digit 32
9Digit 23
10Segment F4
11Segment A5
12Digit 16

Our Demo Program

The complete code reads as follows:
شكرا لتعليقك

